My training in Filipino Martial Arts started in 2005. Within a year, I met my future husband, Dale de los Reyes. We had our first child in 2006, went on to get married and had an additional 10 children. My training has been put on hold since starting our family but I continute to help where I can. During tournaments, it's not uncommon to see our large family in matching Visayan Legacy Association t-shirts gathered near the head table. Our older children have started competing in the tournament as well as helping out with running the scorecards back and forth from the rings and the head table. If you're on FaceBook, you'll notice that I'm the one who is constantly spamming your newsfeed with reminders and information. You'll see me at tournaments: taking pictures and updating the GSBA USA Facebook page on my phone, cheering for my older ones during their matches or chasing my younger ones away from a live ring. Besides taking care of the FaceBook page, I also help manage both the GSBA USA and GSBA World websites.